Event management

Zoiner helps to organize events

Do you produce events – trainings, concerts, shows, courses? Organizing events takes a lot of time and effort. Our service helps to organize events. You can easily sell tickets, collect and track registrations and receive special diets, for example. 

You can set different ticket types for different prices, even for adults and children. You can also specify the minimum and maximum number of participants for the event. Handy! Take a closer look at our service below and see how we can help you organize your event.

 Kehome Oy and fitSTATION use the Zoiner service, for example. for booking exercise lessons and courses, payments and selling balance cards. Our clients in organizing events are e.g. Vantaa TanssiopistoRiihimäen Jäätaiturit and Hämeenlinnan voimisteluseura, who use our service as a registration tool for their shows, competitions and events.


This is what the Kehome's calendar of events looks like

This is what our customer Kehome's calendar of events looks like, through which customers can both book and pay for their exercise classes.